
As part of a public service delegation agreement signed in 2008, the Syndicat mixte de l'Aéroport de Beauvais-Tillé (SMABT), owner of the airport and delegating authority for airport public service, entrusted the management and operation of Paris-Beauvais Airport to the Beauvais Airport Management and Operation Company (SAGEB), for a period of 15 years.

The SMABT is made up of the Hauts-de-France region, the Oise department and the Beauvaisis urban community.

SAGEB is 51% owned by the Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry and 49% by Transdev.

The airport's activities are divided around 4 main core businesses:

  • Administrative services;
  • Operating services;
  • Technical services;
  • State services.

These various services are supplemented by the daily action of SAGEB subcontractors, service provider companies providing ground handling for aircraft, shops and restaurants on the airport platform.

Administrative services

Administrative services

Administrative and financial service

The Administrative and Financial Department ensures the preparation of the budget and its execution. It also has an advisory and expertise function on all financial data. It includes the accounting department (establishment of accounting documents, cash management, etc.).

Legal Affairs and Purchasing Department

The Purchasing Department conducts calls for competition in accordance with the legislation in force and draws up contracts with suppliers.

The legal department is in charge of drafting and monitoring contracts, in conjunction with the various departments concerned, public domain, management of insurance contracts and monitoring of claims and contracts entered into by SAGEB. More generally, he manages all legal issues related to SAGEB's activities.

Sales, Marketing and Promotion

He is in charge of relations with airlines, internal and external communication, relations with airport partners, promotion of the airport (communication campaigns, exhibitions, etc.), as well as management and development of extra-aeronautics (trade and services).

IT and innovation department

Across the entire platform, this service manages common IT and audiovisual resources, IT assistance and maintenance, information system security and telephony.

Quality, Safety, Environment (QSSE) Department

This department is in charge of improving the quality of services and the environment (protection of natural environments: air, noise, waste, energy, water and soil) and relations with people living near the airport.

Human Resources Department

The human resources department guarantees compliance with social obligations and the legislation in force. It proposes and implements the company's human resources policy and manages social relations. It implements and coordinates policies and actions related to recruitment, career management, training and compensation policy. He also ensures the administrative management of the personnel: payroll, employment contracts, personnel files.

Operating services

Operating services

Security and Safety Department

Risk prevention is a priority for airport operations. It is available through different services:

  • the aircraft rescue and firefighting service (SSLIA);
  • the animal hazard prevention service (SPPA);
  • the safety management system (SGS)
  • the fire safety and personal assistance service (SSIAP);
  • the security service, which fights against acts of unlawful interference.

Airport liaison service and car parks

This service manages road access and parking lots at the airport.

Methods and planning department

This service manages staff planning, the size of the workforce, as well as the development of statistics on the number of movements and passengers at the airport.

Ground handling

This service includes different professions:

  • The station manager is responsible for the command and operational management of all ground handling activities, in terms of quality of service and compliance with safety and security regulations. He ensures compliance with company and internal procedures.
  • By delegation from the station manager, the duty station manager is responsible for coordinating and supervising all ground handling activities, in terms of quality of service and compliance with regulations of safety and security. He ensures compliance with company and internal procedures. It also ensures the operational management of the passenger, traffic, reception, baggage and sales counter services.
  • The reception agent provides information to passengers and accompanying persons.
  • Depending on the aircraft schedule, the transit agent's mission is to welcome and take care of passengers from check-in to boarding, according to the procedures defined by the companies and SAGEB, in order to allow the departure of planes at the scheduled times.
  • The counter agent's mission is to inform passengers about the travel conditions of the airlines and to make collections and reservations on behalf of the companies, according to the procedures defined by them.
  • For the flights assigned to him in the schedule, the traffic agent is responsible for producing the flight documents, ensuring the relay of information and coordinating the various stakeholders around the aircraft. The objective is to ensure the departure of aircraft on time and in compliance with safety and security procedures.
  • The baggage claims agent is responsible for assisting passengers in the event of loss or damage to their baggage, and for managing lost and found items.
  • The training department provides training for future ground handling, check-in, boarding, flow management and hand luggage control agents. It also provides training for duty station managers, traffic agents and supervisors on the software necessary for their activity.

Track service

The runway service provides baggage handling, aircraft service and kerosene refueling.

Technical services

Technical services

Works department

This department manages so-called “new” works: assembly, design and execution of construction projects. It includes a study office.

General means service

This service is divided into two:

  • The electrical maintenance department is in charge of the maintenance of the lighting systems and the associated energy supply. It is also in charge of all the different electrical energies of the terminals, and the maintenance of the baggage belts and ionizing systems of the platform.
  • The maintenance department is responsible for carrying out preventive and curative maintenance of airport buildings, structures and facilities. This department also monitors work entrusted to external service providers (cleaning, green spaces, de-icing, etc.).

State services

States services

Airport activity is carried out under the authority of the Oise Police Prefect and under the control of State services.

General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC)

The DGAC is organized into two different departments:

  • The Regional Civil Aviation Delegation of Picardy manages the surveillance, control and certification of operators. It also carries out sovereign missions under the authority of the prefects, relating to policy relating to airports and air transport.
  • The mission of the Beauvais-Tillé control body is to ensure the safety of air traffic by issuing the appropriate instructions to aircraft, in the air and on the maneuvering area. This organization is also responsible for promoting the fluidity of air traffic.

This service is also responsible for representing the DGAC locally.

Border Police (PAF)

The PAF performs three main missions:

  • Cross-border control, which aims to ensure that people and the objects in their possession can be authorized to enter or leave the territory of the Member States. This component also includes against document fraud and illegal immigration.
  • Airport security, which monitors the implementation of security measures by private operators, conducts surveys for the issuance of authorizations and airport traffic tickets, intervenes at checkpoints and abandoned baggage, and patrols in public areas as part of the Vigipirate plan in addition to deployed soldiers.
  • The general police, which carries out roadside checks and controls of regulated professions (taxis, shuttle etc.), manages disputes between passengers and/or employees, public and manifest drunkenness... The PAF supervises interventions in aircraft and secures people and property (theft from shops, for example).

Air Transport Gendarmerie Brigade (BGTA)

The missions of the BGTA are divided into three sectors:

  • Security represents 75% of its activity: control of people and vehicles, inspection of companies and performance of tests in operational situations (TSO);
  • Aeronautics represents 10% of its activity: accident control, aircraft control and ADS (Automatic dependent surveillance), an automated air traffic control system;
  • The judiciary represents 7% of its activity: ensuring that nothing obstructs air traffic and managing the fight against drug trafficking.


Customs duties are divided into two sectors:

  • Information: in partnership with Paris Beauvais Airport, customs provides travelers with leaflets on the deductibles and formalities inherent in the movement of certain goods. Travelers can consult this information on the customs website, or contact the customs information centre;
  • Customs controls: customs officers are authorized to ask travelers all the regulatory questions useful for the conduct of the control and, if necessary, they have the right to search luggage and people. To ensure the smooth running of the check and reduce its duration, Customs undertakes to respect the right of travelers to a quality welcome.

You may be required to be checked by the customs services. Your attitude is an essential element of the quality and speed of the control.

A claim ? A dedicated register is at your disposal.


More information on customs controls on the customs website.