As part of a public service delegation agreement signed in 2008, the Syndicat mixte de l'Aéroport de Beauvais-Tillé (SMABT), owner of the airport and delegating authority for airport public service, entrusted the management and operation of Paris-Beauvais Airport to the Beauvais Airport Management and Operation Company (SAGEB), for a period of 15 years.
The SMABT is made up of the Hauts-de-France region, the Oise department and the Beauvaisis urban community.
SAGEB is 51% owned by the Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry and 49% by Transdev.
The airport's activities are divided around 4 main core businesses:
These various services are supplemented by the daily action of SAGEB subcontractors, service provider companies providing ground handling for aircraft, shops and restaurants on the airport platform.
The Administrative and Financial Department ensures the preparation of the budget and its execution. It also has an advisory and expertise function on all financial data. It includes the accounting department (establishment of accounting documents, cash management, etc.).
The Purchasing Department conducts calls for competition in accordance with the legislation in force and draws up contracts with suppliers.
The legal department is in charge of drafting and monitoring contracts, in conjunction with the various departments concerned, public domain, management of insurance contracts and monitoring of claims and contracts entered into by SAGEB. More generally, he manages all legal issues related to SAGEB's activities.
He is in charge of relations with airlines, internal and external communication, relations with airport partners, promotion of the airport (communication campaigns, exhibitions, etc.), as well as management and development of extra-aeronautics (trade and services).
Across the entire platform, this service manages common IT and audiovisual resources, IT assistance and maintenance, information system security and telephony.
This department is in charge of improving the quality of services and the environment (protection of natural environments: air, noise, waste, energy, water and soil) and relations with people living near the airport.
The human resources department guarantees compliance with social obligations and the legislation in force. It proposes and implements the company's human resources policy and manages social relations. It implements and coordinates policies and actions related to recruitment, career management, training and compensation policy. He also ensures the administrative management of the personnel: payroll, employment contracts, personnel files.
Risk prevention is a priority for airport operations. It is available through different services:
This service manages road access and parking lots at the airport.
This service manages staff planning, the size of the workforce, as well as the development of statistics on the number of movements and passengers at the airport.
This service includes different professions:
The runway service provides baggage handling, aircraft service and kerosene refueling.
This department manages so-called “new” works: assembly, design and execution of construction projects. It includes a study office.
This service is divided into two:
Airport activity is carried out under the authority of the Oise Police Prefect and under the control of State services.
The DGAC is organized into two different departments:
This service is also responsible for representing the DGAC locally.
The PAF performs three main missions:
The missions of the BGTA are divided into three sectors:
Customs duties are divided into two sectors:
You may be required to be checked by the customs services. Your attitude is an essential element of the quality and speed of the control.
A claim ? A dedicated register is at your disposal.
More information on customs controls on the customs website..